Saturday, December 31

HAPPY 2012! (A year in the blog)


A little over a year has gone by since this blog began: and a really exciting year it was! So many things have happened and so much has apparently changed.

  • I started, barely able to play the oboe without embarrassing myself.
         => Now, I have 11 recordings on You-Tube that show, I hope, some good progress.
  • I started this blog, without really thinking anyone would visit, it was supposed to be a self-motivating journal.

         => Now, 23 thousand visits from 78 countries!

         => and I have been added to several international double-reed Facebook groups.
  • I had actually left Facebook because my initial circle of friends published mostly rubbish.

         => Now, the groups I participate with have opened doors to friendships with real professionals all over the world; creating the most captivating conversations.
  • I had started with only 2 or 3 oboists as reference points for style and sound.
        => Now, the You-Tubes of dozens of old and new soloists and orchestral oboists - shared by hundreds of people on Facebook - have really opened my horizons.
        => Now, I had the pleasure of many fascinating discussions with almost every oboe maker (my heroes).

A wonderful blessing in 2011
I am only an amateur and my age and situation won't really allow me to do much in music. But all the exchange with fantastic people all over the world through Facebook, the blog and the BBoard make me feel as excited about music like if I were a student again. A huge thanks is in order to these places have been a huge source of people visiting my own blog.

  • Patti Emerson Mitchell and her blog Oboe Insight
  • Bret Pimentel and his blog on playing all woodwinds
  • Mark Charette and his Oboe BBoard
  • Frédéric Moisand, Ivan Di Bello, Ambrogio Gentili, Sergio Mannu, Nicola Leone and Reynato M. Resurreccion Jr. for their fantastic Facebook groups.
  • Michele Mancaniello for re-introducing me to Nino Rota.

Hopes for the coming 2012:
I don't know if I'm competent and capable enough to play on stage yet, but it is certain that this cannot happen without first meeting people to play with. So I hope I can meet up with local musicians of my calibre and aspirations.

As much as my musical progress is exhilarating, it cannot continue without a body that will cooperate and a home that will encourage a diversity of life activity ... sitting in front of the T.V. and Facebook all night, every evening doesn't help.

Finally, I mentioned a few times my gratitude to my professional employment; I think I did well this year, as an engineer, and I need to continue to be useful and productive, exploring new opportunities so it can continue to support and encourage all the other aspects of my life... for example going places to try different oboe makers.

My New-Year Wishes to All:

Time and the resolve to use it wisely and fully.
Optimism, faith and the resolve to be part of the solution, not the problem in all things.

May the year 2012 see you all safe, healthy, happy and strong all the way to the year 2013!


Mrs. Webfoot said...

Happy New Year, Robin! God bless you and prosper you in 2012.

RobinDesHautbois said...

Happy New-Year to you too! Keep up the oboe-ing and the blogging!

Dean Williams said...

Happy New Year to you as well, Robin. I you are looking for groups to play with, I can re-interate that the OSPM in Montreal is still looking for a regular oboe. It's far, I know, but it is fun. If that does not do it for you, try this site. Most bands and orchestras in Quebec are members of this organization, and this is how I found my orchestra. I have not checked for orchestras in the Gatineau region, but there are probably some. If not, Ontario probably has a similar organization.
All the best, from one adult re-beginner to another,

RobinDesHautbois said...

Hey Dean, Happy New-Year from one (ex)Montrealer to another!

I started my professional career somewhat too late in life, so I have tons of debts to clear before I can start commuting to Mtl. too often.... plus chronique fatigue making that commute rather rough...

But I sure hope we do get the opportunity to play together: already have loads of fun on Facebook!